@database "MultiTool II V2.1" @node MAIN "Manual for MultiTool II V2.1 1993 by Boris Jakubaschk" MultiTool II V2.1 05.02.1995 - Shareware Version - MANUAL INHALT: @{" For you who never read manuals... " link NoDocs} @{" 1. Introduction " link Intro} @{" 1.1 Legal matters " link Legal} @{" 1.2 Shareware " link Share} @{" 1.3 Thanks " link Thanks} @{" 2. Installation " link Install} @{" 3. Preferences " link Prefs} @{" 3.1 General " link PR_general} @{" 3.2 Programs " link PR_progs} @{" 3.3 Menu " link PR_menu} @{" 3.4 Icon " link PR_icon} @{" 3.5 Data types " link PR_types} @{" 3.6 Device list " link PR_devs} @{" 3.7 Action list " link PR_action} @{" 3.8 Device modes " link PR_devtype} @{" 3.9 Gadget array " link PR_gadgets} @{" 4. Usage of MTool " link Usage} @{" 4.1 Directory lists " link US_dirs} @{" 4.2 Copy, Delete... " link US_copy} @{" 4.3 Selections " link US_select} @{" 4.4 Archive " link US_archiv} @{" 4.5 Analyze / Action " link US_analyze} @{" 4.6 Menu " link US_menu} @{" 4.7 Icons " link US_icon} @{" 4.8 Other features " link US_rest} @endnode @node NoDocs "For you who never read manuals..." ... I will briefly address some important things. Otherwise I must answer the same questions again and again! - MTool is shareware. If you use it frequently, you should pay US$15 for registration. This will get you a keyfile which will remove all cripplings in this, and all future versions, of MTool. - You can give MTool to anyone you want if you don't ask money for it. - The first line in every file list is displayed in bold because you can use the cursor keys to control the file lists. The entry shown in bold is used as a cursor. - The backtick ("`", below ESC) switches the devicelist gadget to an alternative list (configurable). - Press Space to change the active file list. - There are invisible Parent-gadgets at the left and right window borders. - "Hide" in the Project menu closes the window of MTool. It reopens by pressing the Hotkey Ctrl-Alt-"<". If you didn't understand a single word of that, you should consider reading the complete manual ;-) @endnode @node Intro "Introduction" 1. Introduction: Welcome to MultiTool II V2.1! MTool is a tool that will help you to manage your floppy and hard disks: to install programs, to change the organization of your data or to delete files. Such programs are often called DOS or directory utilities. They all work the same way: There are two listviews that each display directory. You can select files and subdirs in these lists and perform actions on them through special gadgets: copy, delete, view picture, etc. MTool offers some extra features that make it different from most other DOS utilities: - The layout gives as much room as possible for the file lists. - The action gadgets are between the file lists. Compared to other programs, there are considerably fewer gadgets with considerably more complex functions. - Another listview above the action gadgets can be toggled between different options lists. This can be used to select your current device or to perform special user-difineable actions. - I programmed to be conformant to the "user interface style guide". MTool needs OS2.0 (V37.xx). Newer OS versions are detected and used (i.e. localization with OS2.1, system busy pointer with OS3.0) - With all of its complexity, MTool can be installed and set up very easily. There's a prefs editor where you can define everything by mouse. I hope MTool will be useful in helping you to manage your Boris Jakubaschk @endnode @node Legal "Legal matters" 1.1 Legal matters: The author cannot be held liable for the suitability or accuracy of this manual and/or the program it describes. Any damage directly or indirectly caused by the use or misuse of this manual and/or the program it describes, is the sole responsibility of the user her-/ himself. MultiTool II, Copyright 1994 Boris Jakubaschk. All rights reserved. This program is SHAREWARE so if you use it frequently, you should pay a registration fee of US$15 (See next chapter for details). This program may be freely distributed as long as all documentation and executables remain unchanged and are included with the distribution. Also no profit is to be made by selling this program. You may however: - Give MTool to your friends. - Upload it to any mailbox or network where the users don't have to pay for downloads (FIDO, FTP). - Include it with any non-commercial PD collection. The following files should have come along with MTool: MTool - the program itself MTool.info - its icon Prefs/MTool - the preferences editor Prefs/MTool.info - its icon ENVARC/MTool/MTool.Prefs - example prefs file Catalogs/#? - catalog files for different languages (OS2.1+) MTool_x.guide - this manual. The "x" stands for the language MTool_x.history - history of MTool MTool_x.desc - short description for filelists in mailboxes Localesource/#? - Source of the locale files enabling you to make your own catalogs All files must be redistributed unchanged! If you are able to translate the locale files for MTool to another language, please do it and send me the result. The locale source can be found in "Localesource/...". Please translate only the contents of MTool_d.ct. MTool.cd must remain unchanged. MTool has been developed in a period of over one year and should no longer contain any severe bugs. Of course no big program is absolutely bug free. I would appreciate being told of any bug you encounter. That's the only way I can remove it! Write to: Boris Jakubaschk Klauprechtstra 76137 Karlsruhe Germany or send a mail: E-mail Boris@alice.tynet.sub.org Fido Boris Jakubaschk, 2:246/1115.2 @endnode @node Share "Shareware" 1.2 Shareware: This version of MTool is crippled. Its functionality is reduced by "Please register"-requesters. In addition, some new features are visible but you can't use them: - There's a requester at startup. You must wait until the snail has crossed the window. - Automatic icon creation disabled - Action on files inside archives disabled - Appwindow (moving icons to the mtool window) disabled If you are a registered user I will send you a keyfile. It will remove all handicaps of the crippled version. This keyfile works with all future releases of MTool as well. Please help me to continue the development of MTool by sending me your registration fee. The price is now $15. No exceptions (Hm. If you're an unemployed pupil with more than five children I could think about it...). You can pay an equivalent price in other currencies. When the money arrives, the keyfile comes UUEncoded via e-mail, or I send you a disk containing the keyfile. I prefer getting the money in cash. I know that there's a risk sending money in letters, but it's the easiest way for me to get DMs for it. Eurocheques (in DM!) are welcome, too. Other cheques are very expensive to cash. Send it to : Boris Jakubaschk, Im schle 28, 78727 Oberndorf Germany (These registrations are processed by my sister. If you want to get a personal reply by me, send your registration to (becomes valid at March 1995): Boris Jakubaschk, Klauprechtstra e 1, 76137 Karlsruhe) Or to one of the following registration sites: Australia : Continental Drift BBS, Shareware Registration, PO BOX 259, Newport Beach NSW 2106. AUS $20 See information file for details. New Zealand: Peter Lowish, 10 Brunner St., Nelson. FidoNet 3:771/850.0 Internet pcl@sailor.actrix.gen.nz NZ $30 @endnode @node Thanks "Thanks" 1.3 Thanks: MTool has been developed with the help of many friends and other people who sent me bug reports and suggestions. Thank you! Namely: - Those who translated the catalogs and/or the manual: Christopher J. Ellerbeck (English, V1.5) Arian T. Kulp (English, V2.0) Mikael Silfver (Swedish catalog) Johan Billing (Swedish manual, V2.1) Thorkild Stray (Norwegian) Adam Sj gren (Dansk catalog) Volker A. Graf (Dansk manual, V2.1) Pascal Aubert (French catalog) Lionel Vintenat (French manual, V2.1) Marco Mellia (Italian) Vlado Saffa (Slovakian) Osma Ahvenlampi (Suomi) H. Huisman (Dutch manual) Rembrandt de Witt (Dutch catalog) Ali Kauffeld-Kars (Dutch, V2.1) - Andreas Baum for his MultiIndicator - Stefan Boberg for LHA - Matt Dillon for the C compiler DICE - Holger Trapp & Osma Ahvenlampi for their MagicWB icons for MTool - Klaas Hermanns for FileX - Stefan Becker for Toolmanager, and the permission to clone the user interface of his prefs editor - Jan van den Baard for GadToolsBox - Markus M nig for solving many problems in the beginning. - Markus Nerding (MAXON) for sending me the RKRM Libraries - All betatesters and all who helped me with bug reports and sugges- tions. They have become too numerous to be mentioned here without forgetting someone... - All registered users: It is owing to you that I have continued with MTool despite of having very little time. The letters and mails from all over the world showed me, that every minute I spent working on MTool was worth it. Thank you very much! @endnode @node Install "Installation" 2. Installation: In the standard distribution of MTool, you will find an installation script for quick and easy installation of MTool on your system. It needs the Commodore installer. If you don't have it, or want to install MTool manually, please follow these directions: - Make a directory for the prefs files: MAKEDIR ENVARC:MTool If you have already registered MTool, you should copy your keyfile to this directory. - Choose a directory for the main program or make one. Copy "MTool" and "MTool.info" into it. If you prefer handling things by Workbench just move the MTool icon to the desired drawer. - You can copy "MTPrefs" and "MTPrefs.info" to a directory in your system search path, i.e. SYS:Tools. Alternatively you can copy these files to SYS:Prefs. The names must be changed to "MTool" and "MTool.info" then. Workbench users just move the MTPrefs icon to the prefs drawer and rename it to "MTool" (select Icon/rename from menu). - If you use OS2.1 or higher, you should copy the directory "catalogs" to "Locale:catalogs". All texts will be displayed in your selected language then. - The fonts, manuals, and catalog sources are not necessary for the function of MTool but probably useful. - Now reset your Amiga or copy the contents of ENVARC:MTool to ENV:MTool. Now you can start to set up MTool with MTPrefs. @endnode @node Prefs "Preferences" 3. Preferences: You should do some basic adjustments before you use MTool for the first time. To do this, please start the program MTPrefs first. A window shows up with a big listview in it. Above the listview there's a cycle gadget enabling you to choose what items are shown in the list. At first you should see "Miscellaneous." This is what you need to start. On the left you see some gadgets for manipulation of single entries in the list. They are disabled while you are working on the "Miscellaneous" settings. The three gadgets at the bottom of the window are used to leave the program. If you choose "Save", your settings are saved forever, "Use" makes them valid until the next reset and "Cancel" will leave the prefs editor without changing anything. If you double click on an entry in the list or if you select it and click on "Edit" then, another window will open. It will ask you for the appropriate settings. @endnode @node PR_general "Miscellaneous" 3.1 Miscellaneous: Paths: - LHA location : Input the path and name of the program LHA in your system. If LHA is located in your systems search path (i.e. in C:), "LHA" will be suf- ficient here. If you don't enter the LHA location, MTool won't be able to handle archives. - Def. Path 1 : MTool can display two directories in its file lists at startup. You can define the directory for the left file list here. - Def. Path 2 : Same as above for the right file list. - Drawer Icon : Later in this document, we will discuss how to generate icon objects. Here you can choose the icon object MTool will use for drawers. For now you can't define the drawer icon because there is no icon object defined. Screen & Flags: - Screen Type : Choose if MTool will open its window on the Workbench screen, on a Public Screen, or on a new screen. - Screen Name : If the MTool window doesn't open on the Workbench, you can enter the name of the screen it will create. - Fullsize... : If selected, MTool uses the full size of the screen without sizing gadget. This won't work on the Workbench screen. - AutoDir : With AudoDir selected, MTool detects disk changes and updates the file lists if necessary. - Close = Hide : Normally MTool quits if you close its window. If you select this option, MTool will fall asleep if you close the window (though it will stay in memory. It can be reopened by pressing its hotkey (Ctrl-Alt-<). The hotkey can be configured through MTool's tooltypes. - Length, ... : This and all other gadgets are used to define the options for copying, moving and deleting files. These gadgets are in the same order in the copy requester of MTool. They are described in more detail in chapter 4 of this manual. Screenmode: A screenmode requester opens. You can enter the resolution, number of colours, and display mode for MTool if it is configured to open its own screen. Window Dimensions: An empty window appears. You can move or resize it any way you like. When it's the way you like it, just close it. From now on, MTool will open its window in the same size and position Gadget Font: You can selct the font name and size that will be used for the gadgets. List Font: Same as above for the listviews (non proportional fonts only). If you were following the manual sequentially up to here, and you tried each thing in the program, you should save your settings now ("Save") and start MTool. Its functions are described in @{"Chapter 4" link Usage} of this manual. The following sub chapters describe advanced preferences. These will not make sense until you have tried MTtool. @endnode @node PR_progs "Program" 3.2 Program: If you cycle "Object Type" from "Miscellaneous" to "Program", you will first recognize that the gadgets on the left are no longer disabled. You can use them to create new entries in the list, to remove them, to move them up and down the list, or to copy them. You can sort the complete list alphabetically. Make a new entry by selecting "New". Select the new entry and change the name (i.e. to "Protection Bits") by typing the name in the string gadget below the list view. Now click on "Edit". There's a requester with the object name in the topmost string gadget. You can change the object name with this. The slider below the string gadget can be used to select all entries of the list to change them: Program : Path and name of the program. Parameters : Enter the arguments for the program here. Fixed arguments (i.e. options) are written exactly like you would do in a Shell. Changing arguments like file names or paths are replaced by a "%s" (incl. quotation marks). Def.Parm. 1: Here you can determine what will be used to replace the first "%s" in the parameters string. Def.Parm. 2: Same for the second "%s". Def.Parm 3: Same for the third "%s". I know this method of defining program objects isn't easy to under- stand. Perhaps some examples will help: 1. Protection Bits: Program : C:Protect Parameters : %s "%s" Def.Parm. 1: Request Def.Parm. 2: Source File Name Def.Parm. 3: None If this program object is called (how to do this will be described later), there will be a requester asking you to enter an argument. Your input will replace the first "%s" in the parameters string. MTool will now create a command for every file in the active file list. It will replace the second "%s" with each of the selected file names in turn. If, for example, you have selected the files "startup-sequence" and "user-startup" in your S: drawer, then call this program object and type "+S" in the string requester. MTool will not create and execute the following commands: C:Protect "S:user-startup" +S C:Protect "S:startup-sequence" +S 2. Editor: Program : SYS:XCli/EDC Parameters : "%s" -Sticky Def.Parm. 1: Source File Name Def.Parm. 2: None Def.Parm. 3: None This example shows how to call CygnusEd from within MTool. If you leave out "-Sticky", you can use this kind of object for many other programs, i.e. picture viewer, mod player, file monitors... 3. Copy: Program : C:Copy Parameters : "%s" "%s" Def.Parm. 1: Source File Name Def.Parm. 2: Dest Path Def.Parm. 3: None This is an alternative to the "Copy" gadget of MTool. There's not much sense in this example, but it's a good example of the program object concept of MTool. @endnode @node PR_menu "Menu" 3.3 Menu: The layout of the requester is no big surprise. There are only two new gadgets: Shortcut : Key that will be used (together with right amiga) to call the program object defined below. Program : Program object called by this menu entry. The object names are used as menu entries in the tools menu of MTool. Example: Object Name: Copy Files Shortcut : Y Program : Copy This creates a menu entry "Copy Files." The shortcut is shown at the right side of the menu entry. If you select the menu entry, the program object "Copy" is called. @endnode @node PR_icon "Icon" 3.4 Icon: This only opens a file requestor. From there select an icon file to be used for the current name. Example: Object Name: Drawer Icon File : SYS:System.info "System.info" is a drawer symbol. You can use this object to define an Icon for drawers (see miscellaneous->paths). @endnode @node PR_types "File Type" 3.5 File Type: This is a very strong feature of MTool, so therefore a little bit complicated. You must tell MTool a way to identify different files. Later, you can tell MTool what it should do with them. The right "Recognition" gadget is used to select the scanning mode: - Pattern : The recognition string is used as a DOS pattern and compared with the file name of the file to test. - ASC-Filter : The recognition string is compared byte by byte against the beginning bytes of the file. Question marks in the recognition string are wild cards. - HEX-Filter : Every two chars of the recognition string are used as a HEX byte and compared with one byte of the file. You can use question marks as wild cards, too. - ASCII Text : MTool tests if the file is ASCII text. The recognition string is not used here. - Unknown File: The objects assigned to this entry are called only if no other file type matches. The recognition string isn't used here, either. There are three uses for the file type recognition: - MTool can display the type of a file if you select "Analyze". - MTool can execute an appropriate program object for a file if you double click it or select "Action". - If you click on "Icon", MTool will create an icon for the file according to the file type. So you can define a program object and a icon object for every file type. @endnode @node PR_devs "Device List" 3.6 Device List: You can define an alternative device list. The object names are used as list entries. If you select an entry, the active file list will show the directory that's entered in "Path Name". @endnode @node PR_action "Action List" 3.7 Action List: The device list can be switched to an action list. It works the same way as the configurable device list: The object names show up in the list view and one of the "Program" objects is executed when you select its entry. @endnode @node PR_devtype "Device Modes" 3.8 Device Modes: You can use this list for two different types of settings. First you can remove device list entries using a DOS pattern. This can be done seperately for devices, volumes and assigns. Perhaps it's best to see this in two examples: - Imagine, you'd like to want to see all device names (DF0:, DH0:,...) in the device list but no volume names. Just set the cycle gadget to "Volumes", set the pattern string to "#?" and switch on "Hide Object in Device List". The object name can be freely chosen. - Imagine, you don't want to see the "Wordsworth:" assign in the device list. Pattern: "Wordsworth:", Cycle Gadget: "Assigns", "Hide Object in Device List". Done. As a second function, you can switch off dir caching for some devices that don't support it (see explanation in chapter 4.8.5). To figure out, if a device supports dir caching, just copy a file (using MTool) to a directory on this device. If the dir list isn't updated automatically, dir caching must be disabled. I only know CrossDOS where this applies. So I use it as an example: - Set the pattern to "PC?:", the cycle gadget to "Device". Then switch on "Disable Caching". That's it. @endnode @node PR_gadgets "Gadget Array" 3.9 Gadget Array: MTool is able to display an array of gadgets at the bottom of its window. Using these gadgets, you can call actions the same way you already know from the actions list. The preferences window looks exactly the same as the action list window. @endnode @node Usage "Using MTool" 4. Using MTool If you you have never worked with a directory utility like MTool, I'll briefly describe the basics of such a program. As a user of MTool you should be familiar with using the Workbench and the shell. Otherwise, you and your system will both be confused! MTool provides the features and flexibility of the shell with the comfort you know from using workbench. You can perform all actions by mouse: including copying, moving and deleting files, displaying pictures, editing text, etc... After you have started MTool you should see two big empty boxes. They will be used later to display file lists. On top of each file list is a string gadget where the name of the current directory is displayed. You can activate this gadget by clicking in it with the mouse. Then you can type in a new directory path to be displayed. Below each file list is a small box containing further information about the disk belonging to the directory. In this box is the free space on the disk, and its status ("OK": All right, "Prot.": write protected, "Vali": Disk is not validated,--No writing allowed). At the side of this box is a gadget with an "I" in it. Clicking on it makes a requester come up which shows more information about the disk: the complete capacity, the name of the disk, and the size of the selected files and directories. If you click into one of the file lists, the status line below it will be highlighted and the other one appears darker. In addition the box around the list is bevelled inward. This list is called the active file list. You can change the active file list also by pres- sing the "SPACE" key. @endnode @node US_dirs "File Lists" 4.1 Operations with the File Lists Between the two file lists is a column of different gadgets used to perform the basic functions of the program. On top of this column is the "Parent" gadget. If you click on it, the active file list change to the idrectory one level above--the parent directory. For example, if you were in the "Workbench:devs/printers" directory and you click on "Parent", MTool will load the directory "Workbench:devs" and displays its contents. You can reach this also by clicking on the outside border of either listview, or by pressing the cursor left key. The "P" in the Parent gadget is underlined. This means that you can also perform the action of this gadget by pressing the p key. This is the same thing with all gadgets with underlined letters in them. Below the parent gadget, you will find a listview containing the names of all devices, available disks, and the active "assignments". The list will be updated whenever you insert or remove a disk. If you select an entry from this list, its directory will be displayed in the active file list. The device list can be used for two other purposes. First, you can define your own device list using the prefs editor. Second, you can define a list for extended actions. The mode of the device list can be changed with the gadget below the list view. Its keyboard shortcut is the backtick "`". @endnode @node US_Copy "Copy, Delete..." 4.2 Copy, Move, Delete, Rename and Makedir The first three gadgets below the device list are the most important to the structure of your disks and the data stored on them. This is also where you delete any (or all) files. Be careful! Copy: All files and directories that are selected in the active file list are copied to the directory of the inactive file list. The original data remains unchanged. Directories are copied with all their contents. Move: does the same as Copy but with one big difference: Every original file is deleted after it has been copied. After moving the selected files, the originals in the source directory are deleted. Delete: Kills all selected files and directories (including their contents) in the active directory. Remember that this permanent! If you accidently erase something, there are tools like DiskSalv2 and FixDisk that can bring it back, but only if you have not written anything to the disk afterwards. Each of these three gadgets brings up a window. It's used to control the copying or deleting of the files. If you are sure you want to copy/delete all selected files, you can press the "Return" key. MTool will copy/delete all files without giving you the chance to abort it. Otherwise you will be shown information about the actual file depending ont what you tagged in the top half of the window: Date, size and version. You can also compare the file with a file of the same name that already exists in the inactive directory. Additionally you can tell if you want to confirm every file, if all files should be copied/deleted without asking or (in case of copy) if you want to be asked about files that already exist in the destination drawer. If you select "Change name" you will be asked for a new name for the file if it already exists. Rename: There's a window for every selected entry in the active file list where you can change the name of the file or directory. If you want to abort this action for all selected files, click on the close gadget of the rename window; "Cancel" skips only the current file. "MakeDir" creates a new drawer in the active directory. In the window you should type in the name you choose. The gadget "I" besides "MakeDir" serves the same purpose, but will create an Icon for the new drawer. @endnode @node US_select "Selections" 4.3 Selections The next two gadgets are used to select some of the entries in the active file list. "All" selects all entries, "Nothing" clears all selections. The small "?" gadgets at the right bring up a string requester where you can type in an AmigaDOS pattern. All files that fit with that pattern are (un-)selected. In your AmigaDOS manual you will find a good description on how to use patterns. As soon as you have selected some files in the actual file list - without concern if this has been done by mouse or using one of the above mentioned gadgets - the display of the free capacity on the disk below the file list changes to a display of the number of selected bytes. So you can see instantly, whether the selcted files would fit on the destination disk or not. @endnode @node US_archiv "Archives" 4.4 Archives Archives are files containing one or more files stored in a compressed format. They are used mostly for modem file transfers as they transfer faster, and easier to manage (work with only one file instead of dozens). MTool is able to control all standard actions of the archiver "LHA." LHA must be on your system and its path must be set up correctly using MTPrefs. 4.4.1 Creating new archives: If you want to create a new archive, you do the same as you would to copy any files or directories. Decide which ones you want in the archive. Then, instead of selecting "Copy," just select "Archive." Then you will be asked a name for the new Archive. Afterwards, all selected files and directories of the active file list will be packed into one archive that will be placed in the inactive file list. The original files will be unaffected. 4.4.2 Unpacking archives, deleting them partially, or adding files: If you have an existing archive, you can double click its name like the name of a directory. MTool will then display the contents of the archive as the active list. Subdirectories are not shown as subdirectories--all files are displayed with their complete path. You can treat this list as any other file list: Copy, Move, Delete, etc. MTool will refuse to show archive contents in both file lists, because copying files from one archive to another would have been too complicated as it's not directly supported by LHA. To do this you must unpack the files first (maybe to RAM:) and then pack them again. Some actions can't be used with archives, so their gadgets become ghosted as long as there is an archive displayed in the active file list. @endnode @node US_analyze "Analyze and Action" 4.5 Analyze and Action You can make MTool analyze the selected files (not directories) by selecting the "Analyze" gadget. The Analyze window shows the name of the file and a list of information that MTool knows about this file either based on your object definition, or from code which is internal to MTool. On the right side you can see and manipulate the protection flags of the file. The changes will only be written to the file if you don't "Cancel" the window. Action: tries to do something useful with the file. Normally, a program is started (i.e. a picture viewer). There are two other ways to perform an action specific to a filetype without using the analyze window. You can double click a file name in the file list or you can click on the "action" gadget. In the first case, action will be done for the double clicked file only, in the other case all selected files are affected. At the moment, action works with ASCII-Texts and LHA-Archives if MTool is set up correctly. Other file types can be defined using the prefs editor. @endnode @node US_menu "Menu" 4.6 Menu There are two major functions in the menu. You can call the prefs editor to set up the screen mode and fonts for MTool according to your needs, or you can include external programs to the "Tools" menu. This will be explained later. In the "Project" menu you find entries to display some information about MTool and to leave the program. This can also be reached by pressing "Amiga-q" or ESC. "Hide" closes the window (and screen) of MTool. To open it again, you must restart MTool, press its hotkey (default: Ctrl Alt "<") or use the commodities exchange program. The "Preferences" menu is used to load prefs files, to call the prefs editor, and to switch between two important modes: "CustomScreen" changes between the Workbench screen and an custom public screen. "AutoDir" enables the updating of the Devices list when a disk is inserted or removed. The file lists will then be updated too (if necessary). As menitoned before, the "Tools" menu can contain additional programs that you can set up with the prefs editor. @endnode @node US_icon "Icons" 4.7 Icons MTool can create an icon for any file you choose. For this to work, you must have first defined the Filetype in prefs, then also have defined an Icon attached to that Filetype. To assign the icon,just select the files, click on "Icon" and MTool will do the rest. @endnode @node US_rest "Other Features" 4.8 Other Features 4.8.1 Keyboard control Sice version 1.3 of MTool, almost all functions can be called by the keyboard. Most important are the cursor keys. They control the active file list. The list entry that is shown in bold letters is used as a "cursor". The key "cursor left" brings up the parent directory, "cursor right" performs "Action" to the bold entry, meaning if it's a directory, the files will be shown, if it's an archive, the contents will be displayed. This interface is consistent with the file requester MFR from Stefan Stunz. You can select entries by holding the SHIFT key while moving through the file list. Unselect is done by holding the ALT key. You can change the active file list by pressing the SPACE key, and "Return" selects the string gadget above the active file list. The control of the device list works almost the same. "Del" switches cursor control to the device list. Up/down moves the cursor, left/ right loads the directory of the selected entry to the left/right file list. The different modes of the device list can be changed by pressing "`" (backtick). 4.8.2 Commodity Commodity support has been included in V1.5 of MTool. This introduced a new menu entry in the project menu: Hide. If you select it, MTool closes its window (if MTool runs on an own screen, it will be closed, too). It still remains in memory, though. To reopen the window, press the hotkey (Default: Ctrl Alt <), use Commodities Exchange, or start it again. The second MTool will wake up the first one and exit quietly. You will briefly need memory for two MTools. You can change the hotkey by entering "CX_POPKEY=key combination" in the tooltypes of MTool or by supplying it as a shell parameter. "CX_POPUP=no" lets MTool keep its window closed after startup. So you can put it in your WBStartup drawer and it is ready to use with a simple keystroke. 4.8.3 Appwindow There is a very easy way to display directories if MTool runs on the Workbench. Just take an icon and drag it over one of the file list views. Its directory will be displayed and the file name of the icon will be selected. This also works if you select more than one icon. 4.8.4 AppIcon As an AppWindow only works on the workbench screen, in MTool V2.1 there's an AppIcon appearing on the workbench screen immediately after you have started the program. It serves two purposes. First you can put icons on it to show their paths in the actual file list, second you can double click on it and MTool will show up it's window - independend from where it was before (covered by other windows, on another screen or hidden). 4.8.5 Directory Caching MTool always buffers the last twenty directories. If you want to display one of the buffered directories and if it hasn't changed since it has been put into the buffer, it will be displayed without any delay. This is especially useful when you are working with floppies. You don't have to spend any thought to this feature, everything works automatically. 4.8.6 Rescanning Directories manually Normally MTool automatically detects if one of the displayed directories is changed and rereads this directory. This doesn't work with some filesystems. In this case, dir caching (see 4.8.5) must be disabled. MTool won't detect changes in this directory, so you can rescan it manually by clicking on the "!"-gadget besides the string gadget displaying the path name. 4.8.7 Special Features - Left and right besides the parent gadget you find two gadgets with ">" and "<" symbols. They are used to display the contents of one file list in the other, so both file lists show the same directory. - The prefs editor opens its window on the same screen as MTool, if available. Every change in the prefs is reflected by MTool--it adapts instantly. - While waiting for your input, MTool checks for changes in the directories displayed in the file lists. If anything does change, MTool reloads the lists to reflect that change. This is done using "notify," and takes up no processor time. - Directories are reread only if they actually have changed. - You can change the settings of the copy requester during work. It will stop then and can be restarted using "Start". - While renaming multiple files, you can abort by simply closing the string requester. - Double bevelled gadgets can be operated by pressing "Return" @endnode